"We opened Alpine Sports in 1999," she recalls. "We worked hard to build a solid reputation and sold to U of U in 2017," she recalls. "I've stayed on as clinical manager, caring for patients I have seen for years."

Moving up from Salt Lake, "I have been a local since 1971," she smiles. "I grew up in PC schools and competed on the Park City Ski Team for 15 years. My dad started Jans in 1980."

"If you lived here in those days, you were lucky," Andrea remembers. "I worked as a mountain host for PCMR in the days of America's Opening World Cup (in the mid-80s). PC was just emerging then."

"We've seen lots of change," she avers. "Over decades, my patients have ranged from longtime locals to international tourists, actors from Sundance, and now the 'new locals' from Florida, California, and New York. It is an amazing place, but we are experiencing the consequences of growth."

Andrea fills her time away from the clinic with "daughter's volleyball matches, traveling, hiking, and cross-country skiing with my dogs."

"Something surprising about me?" she laughs. "Well, I have two hip replacements, and at one time, I was the youngest Chamber Board member."

We've long admired Andrea's Chamber and community service, especially her knack for getting Parkites back on their feet and out there!