“I’ve always loved riding, and the community cycling brings together,” Angela smiles. “It means better physical and mental health, social fun, and environmental benefits; the rewards are immeasurable.”

With finance, business, and nonprofit experience behind her, Angela looked to unite her passion and professional life by getting into the cycle business after achieving her MBA at the University of Utah in 2014. She acquired Bingham Cyclery from the third generation of Bingham family owners in 2015. “I’ve been learning and growing ever since,” she laughs.

A founder and Board President of WomenMBT, Angela is “damn proud of our Women’s Mini Enduro race series,” part of Bike Utah’s Midweek MBT series. “This year is our sixth,” she says, calling it  “an opportunity for women to challenge themselves in a supportive environment,” one Angela believes has benefited her personally. “I have come into my own as a rider the past five years, and I credit that to my WomenMTB friends and community,” she asserts.

Off her bike, Angela is all about her 10-year-old daughter. “Raising a good human is at the top of my list,” she says, though those two spinning wheels are never far from her mind. “I have the best staff members and the greatest customers,” she enthuses. ”We get to talk about bikes and riding all day. That’s very cool!”

Stop in and catch the excitement, or visit Angela’s site at BinghamCyclery.com.