Working with vacation rentals, Jim meets a cross section of Parkites and their families. “People care about their town and want the best,” he observes. “That’s inspired us to support groups like Sundance, the Kimball Arts Festival and the Land Conservatory.”

“We believe in showing our guests how live like a local,” Jim says of his team. “It’s important visitors appreciate and respect Park City.” He describes a typical work day as “lots of hugs and love. It’s a family environment, and we know we will be together forever. I like to share a vision for being happy in every aspect of our lives.”

“Park City is a friendly small town with big ambitions,” he concludes with a smile, adding, “It lowers my stress level whenever I turn the corner at the Junction after being out of town. Park City will be home forever.”

We love Jim’s attitude and his respect for PC and his employees. We’re proud he’s a Chamber partner!  Learn more at