"My parents have film of me when I was three declaring I would be a horse when I grew up," laughs Cindy Harvey of Red Arrow Ranch in Kamas. "Training horses is the most rewarding experience I know."
And Cindy knows something about diverse experiences. She’s managed a California chemical business, a distillery, a heavy equipment operation, and worked in the medical field providing aid to Russia during the Gorbachev perestroika era. "Boredom has always been my biggest fear," she confesses with a grin. "It hasn't happened yet!"
Cindy had her Modesto ranch in mind when she began looking at Utah land. "But I wanted mountains and four seasons, too," she recalls. "No one told me Utah has six or seven seasons! I just knew Kamas and the Wasatch Back would be my new home,” she adds.
Today, Red Arrow offers training that runs from confidence builders for newer riders to a Mountain Trails clinic run by Mark and Lee Bolender, founders of the International Mountain Trail Challenge.
Naming her new ranch for her Irish setter Red "who follows along on trail rides," Cindy immediately saw Red Arrow’s potential for gorgeous open-air weddings. The stunning views, spacious guest housing and reception areas are as unique as they are beautiful. "Weddings were part of ranch life in California," Cindy avers. "The difference here is our amazing facilities."
Utah ranch life has delighted and energized Cindy. "You must love the outdoors and hard work, though." she says. "I often feed the animals first thing, even before coffee, water and drag the arenas, care for 200 trees and shrubs, lawns and gardens, plus maintain the competitive trail course. I absolutely love it!” Somehow, she always finds time for her children and grandkids in Draper.
Best of all is the deep satisfaction Cindy has found at Red Arrow. “My life is filled with purpose, intention, gratitude and stewardship," she concludes.