“I eventually went back to obtain my Massage Therapy license.” In her near decade of full-time practice, “I’ve seen things that are nothing short of miraculous when clients let go and allow their bodies to heal,” Bre says.

Amidst the scent of aromatherapy hot towels and lavender eye cover, Bre prepares hot stones and blends oils matched to client preference and outcomes. “To say I love what I do is an understatement,” she laughs. Crystal-infused water and a plush, heated massage table add to the holistic atmosphere. “For me, there is no denying how incredibly healing massage can be. I see it every day.”

Away from the massage table, Bre’s love for the outdoors matches her natural athleticism  “I enjoy hikes with Phoenix, my precious pup,” she says. “Sunshine frees my soul!” Experimenting in the kitchen, personal spa days “and anything health and wellness related” round out her interests. “Oh, and I can still walk on my hands,” she laughs, “and have been since I was three or four.”

Settling into the Wasatch Back, Bre is grateful for PC’s open-hearted spirit. “The people of Park City are truly phenomenal. I have been so warmly welcomed and cannot wait to see what my future holds!”