“I called Jonathan Keller, my old college roommate in Geneseo, New York. He had won $1,000 betting Andre Rison would score the first touchdown in the ‘97 Super Bowl,” he remembers. “I said, ’Buy a ticket and get out here!’”
They drove straight to PC.
“We were kids with no ties talking about starting a business,” he says. “But we were authentic, and people supported us.” They soon opened Orion Records, one of Park City’s most eclectic businesses, and kept it going for 13 years. Since adding MTM to his workload in 2008, Brian has booked thousands of live acts to Park City. “We have a full-time staff of one; me!” he laughs. He credits his musically open mind to Denver mentor Joe Kboudi. “Thanks to Joe, even if country is not my jam, for example, I appreciate why a song is awesome.” Another key is his open booking process, “part discovery and part working with friends.”
While staging hundreds of shows a year, Brian also fosters young musicians as an homage to his son, who died suddenly of a heart condition four years ago at just 19. The Michael James Richards Memorial Fund helps a diverse range of students pursue a musical vocation. “Michael had such a generous heart,” Brian says. “We want to give back because that is what he would do.”
Brian’s passion for music has made him an iconic part of Park City’s unique vibe. We’re proud to count him as a Chamber partner.