Old Town CellarsFrom New Zealand to Park City's legendary Chez Betty (today's Copperbottom Inn), Stephen Mackay's wine knowledge spans the breadth of the globe and the sweep of local history.

"Jason and I grew up in Park City," Stephen says of himself and Old Town Cellars co-founder Jason Morgan.  "I started at Chez Betty when I was 16 and rapidly became interested in wine. After my undergraduate, I moved to New Zealand to further my studies in Auckland."

But Stephen, a former competitive ski jumper, says Park City kept calling. “We returned to our roots to blend our love of skiing and wine.”

The pair opened Old Town Cellars in 2016.  PC’s first on-site wine production facility, oTc bottles fine wines from top growing regions. Their bar and lounge at 408 Main Street showcases blends like Mountain Town reds and whites as well as locally brewed beers.

"We think oTc represents the future of winemaking,” Stephen says.  “Absent of ego, full of flavor and defined by the community and culture in which it's made."

That culture includes a passion for the environment and skiing life. "We love being connected to the mountains and supporting the community,” Stephen says, citing last year’s fundraiser for the Park City Fire District as an example of giving back. “We also support nonprofits engaged in land preservation and helping people and animals."

"We're living our dream to bring the culture of oTc to your next glass of wine," Stephen smiles. "And we are very grateful to our community."

We know you will appreciate the quality, atmosphere, and community commitment you will find at Old Town Cellars – and make them your first stop for your next wine excursion.