Diego’s path to social engagement took time. Studying at the U of U, "I intended to go into corporate life until the collapse of 2008," he recalls. "I landed in education, working with immigrant families, and discovered I truly enjoyed working on complex social problems." An avid reader, Diego continues to find inspiration for social change from "leaders willing to do the right thing, despite it not always being the easiest."  But, he admits, "I'm terrible at returning my library books on time."

Diego started at PCCF in 2016 under Director Katie Wright. She and staffers such as now-retired Director of Programs Ollie Wilder "challenged me to the limits of my skill set,” he recalls. “I vividly remember feeling personal and professional growth every month.”

“My successes are truly our successes," Diego says of his many influences. "If we've worked together and you're reading this, please know you played a role in me becoming the person I am today."

Surveying Park City today, Diego sees "caring, generous people wanting to solve our most pressing challenges. We have the passion and the purpose to make things happen."

"If we can't solve big issues here," he asks thoughtfully, "where can we?"